We provide range of consultancy services, typically
- IT Quality assessment and benchmarking – IT Quality Index
- IT QMS – design and adoption of IT Quality Management System
- Knowledge Worker Quality Index analysis and related qualitative metrics KWQI, CLQ, CLX, value of knowledge worker
- ITSM and IT Governance consultancy – service catalogue, process design, streamlining ITSM practices
- SFIA – skills analysis of individual persons and consolidated picture of the whole IT department
- DCMM feasibility study – analysis of IT and business readiness to digital transformation of IT management
- DCMM – digital transformation of IT departments from order taking, passive role to innovations and ever-learning capability function
IT Quality Index projects, helping clients to answer questions
- How good is our IT ?
- Do we manage our IT in line with best practices ?
- Do we improve or stagnate?
- Do we spend IT budget efficiently ?
- Do we deliver IT services in quality and cost anticipated by business ?
- Where are greatest opportunities for improvements ?
- How IT quality compares to other IT departments ?
- Are we better then others ?
- What skills do we have in IT ? – SFIA
Q4IT delivers quality assessments based on IT Quality Index framework.
- Compatible with ISO 20000:2011 – the globally most accepted standards for IT Service management
- It does not use Yes/No statements, but multi scale assessment adjusted to company profile is used
- Key attributes are scalability from detail level, depth of check, processes and services selection and management levels inclusion
- IT Quality assessments are delivered by Accredited IT Quality Expert – AITQE.
- Results of audit are always concrete and pointing to specifics with recommendations on how to resolve identified issues
- Result of audit is compliant with ISO/IEC 20000, therefore they might be also used as a preparation for certification
- Can be used for benchmarking between IT departments or compare IT organizations
- Provides IT Quality certificate which clearly stated quality levels
We also provide consultancy service to introduce IT Quality Management System – IT QMS
- Define process and responsibilities
- Define role of Quality Manager
- Create Visual Proportional Board where improvements are managed
- Report improvements and benefits delivered to the organization
- Map quality management practices into COBIT 5, APO11 Manager Quality, Establish a Quality Management System
- SFIA skill codes QUMG, MEAS, SURE, QUAS
IT Quality Index holistic measurement
Knowledge Worker Quality Index analysis
- Quality analysis of knowledge workers in IT #KWQI
- Value of knowledge worker #VKW
- Collaboration Experience and Collaboration Quality #CLX #CLQ
- Team quality index
ITSM and IT Governance
- revision and improvements of ITSM processes
- roles and responsibilities
- KPIs review and design
- IT strategy development
SFIA – skills analysis
- analysis of skills, SFIA profiles for individuals and consolidated team profiles
- skills development recommendation
- identification of missing skills
- Reactive/Proactive skills ratio
DCMM – Digital Capabilities Management Model
- transformation of IT departments from a passive role to digital innovations
- adaptive management, ever learning system
- reduction of administration overhead
- visual proportional model to make IT work visible