Course and associated workshop will equip managers and leaders with the required knowledge to be successful in the management of knowledge workers and creating teams of achievers in the modern era.
Course length: 2 day including certification exam
Details in PDF
Target group: The Managing Knowledge worker Quality course is suitable for IT managers seeking new and modern methods fit for the future of work, engaged in digital transformation efforts and also for IT departments, where the role of IT is being developed beyond the cost focused service delivery model.
Prerequisites: No mandatory prerequisites, recommended reading IT Quality Index, trainings: IT Quality Foundation, IT Quality Manager, DCMM Masterclass Recommended literature IT Quality Index 2022 Edition, ISBN 9798543925812
Course learning objectives: The objective is to provide management with knowledge and skills required to manage people within the modern business setting. This training is providing transformative knowledge where the focus of IT management is redirected from costs and productivity dominant in industrial era management practices, to managing IT workers as knowledge workers with high levels of autonomy, expert insight, extensive knowledge, exploration and innovation.
Learn the following SFIA skills: Innovation INOV, Governance GOVN, Quality Management QUMG, Organisational capability development OCDV, Performance management PEMT, Competency assessment LEDA, Employee experience EEXP, Workforce planning WFPL
Course outcome: Successful candidates will learn differences between managing routine workers and knowledge workers in IT, where quality, collaboration and innovativeness are the main criteria to analyse the quality of knowledge workers. Successful candidates will receive Certification in knowledge worker quality.
Course agenda:
- The genesis of IT management objectives – Differences between Industrial and Knowledge era IT management, Iatrogenic management
- Qualitative metrics compared to quantitative metrics, why velocity is not what matters most
- Knowledge work characteristics – reactive vs proactive work
- Collaboration networks, information theory and the latest trends in IT governance –Digital capabilities management key concepts
- KWQI Knowledge Worker Quality Index method explained
- Conposite indicator Value of knowledge worker VKW
- Collaboration experience CLX and collaboration quality CLQ metrics and measurement
- Knowledge worker motivation and performance
- Generative AI exercise – human and digital agent collaboration
- Online certification exam “Certification Managing Knowledge Worker Quality” CMKWQ